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Using Homestar


See Setup Your Local Node for instructions on installing Homestar.


The --help option displays a quick reference at any command level.

At the top level, --help displays a high-level summary of all commands.

$ homestar --help
Usage: homestar <COMMAND>
init Initialize a Homestar configuration
start Start the Homestar runtime
stop Stop the Homestar runtime
ping Ping the Homestar runtime to see if it's running
run Run an IPVM-configured workflow file on the Homestar runtime
node Get node identity / information
info Get Homestar binary and other information
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version


The homestar init command generates a Homestar settings file and optionally key material. Use the --key-seed or --key-file options to use existing key material.

Settings and key material are written to ~/.config/homestar by default, but the output location can be overriden with the --output option.

$ homestar init --help
Initialize a Homestar configuration
Usage: homestar init [OPTIONS]
-o, --output <OUTPUT>
Path to write initialized configuration file (.toml) [optional]
Skip writing to disk, instead writing configuration to stdout [optional]
-q, --quiet
Suppress auxiliary output [optional]
-f, --force
Force destructive operations without prompting [optional]
Run in non-interactive mode [optional]
--key-type <KEY_TYPE>
The type of key to use for libp2p [optional]
Possible values:
- ed25519: Ed25519 key
- secp256k1: Secp256k1 key
--key-file [<KEY_FILE>]
The path to the key file. A key will be generated if the file does not exist, and if left unspecified, a default path will be used. [optional]
--key-seed [<KEY_SEED>]
The seed to use for generating the key. If left unspecified, a random seed will be chosen [optional]
-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')

Start the runtime

The homestar start command starts a Homestar node.

$ homestar start --help
Start the Homestar runtime
Usage: homestar start [OPTIONS]
--db <DATABASE_PATH> Database path (SQLite) [optional] [env: DATABASE_PATH=] [default: homestar.db]
-c, --config <CONFIG> Runtime configuration file (.toml) [optional]
-d, --daemonize Daemonize the runtime
--daemon_dir <DIR> Directory to place daemon file(s) [default: /tmp]
-h, --help Print help

The runtime can be provided a configuration file and an SQLite database file. Homestar will create the database file if it does not exist.

Terminal window
homestar start -c settings.toml --db my.db

See our configuration guide for information about node configuration.


The homestar ping command pings a Homestar node to check that it is up.

$ homestar ping --help
Ping the Homestar runtime to see if it's running
Usage: homestar ping [OPTIONS]
--host <HOST> Homestar RPC host [default: ::1]
-p, --port <PORT> Homestar RPC port [default: 3030]
--timeout <TIMEOUT> Homestar RPC timeout [default: 60s]
-h, --help Print help

Run a workflow

The homestar run command requests a workflow run from a Homestar node.

$ homestar run --help
Run an IPVM-configured workflow file on the Homestar runtime
Usage: homestar run [OPTIONS] <FILE>
<FILE> IPVM-configured workflow file to run.
- JSON (.json)
--host <HOST> Homestar RPC host [default: ::1]
-p, --port <PORT> Homestar RPC port [default: 3030]
--timeout <TIMEOUT> Homestar RPC timeout [default: 60s]
-n, --name <NAME> Local name given to a workflow (optional)
-h, --help Print help

A run command must include the workflow to run.

homestar run workflow.json

The RPC port should match the RPC port of the Homestar runtime that will run the workflow.

Stop the runtime

The homestar stop command stops a Homestar node.

$ homestar stop --help
Stop the Homestar runtime
Usage: homestar stop [OPTIONS]
--host <HOST> Homestar RPC host [default: ::1]
-p, --port <PORT> Homestar RPC port [default: 3030]
--timeout <TIMEOUT> Homestar RPC timeout [default: 60s]
-h, --help Print help

The RPC port should match the port on the running Homestar node.

Query node

The homestar node command displays information about a running Homestar node, including peer ID, listen addresses, and connections to other nodes.

$ homestar node --help
Get node identity / information
Usage: homestar node [OPTIONS]
--host <HOST> Homestar RPC host [default: ::1]
-p, --port <PORT> Homestar RPC port [default: 3030]
--timeout <TIMEOUT> Homestar RPC timeout [default: 60s]
-h, --help Print help

Display info

The homestar info command displays information about the homestar binary including version, git commit SHA, commit timestamp, and features the binary was compiled with.

Debug mode

Run Homestar in debug mode for additional logging by setting the RUST_LOG environment variable.

RUST_LOG=homestar_runtime=debug homestar start