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Setup Your Local Node

The Everywhere Computer is powered by Homestar nodes — our implementation of the IPVM protocol.

To setup your local Homestar node, we highly recommend using Node.

Open your terminal and run:

Terminal window
npm install homestar-runtime -g

Setup your workspace

We’ll store settings for your local Homestar node and the registry of functions that your workflows will run on Everywhere Computer in a workspace.

1. Clone the getting-started repo

  1. Clone the repo here:
  2. Open your terminal and navigate to the getting-started folder.

2. Add the default functions to IPFS

All functions on the Everywhere Computer are content addressed on IPFS, which means they are identified and located using something called a CID (Content IDentifier). This getting started workspace includes a set of image manipulation functions that our sample workflows will run.

To add these image manipulation functions to your local IPFS node, run:

Terminal window
ipfs add --cid-version 1 ./functions.wasm

3. Generate an identifying keypair

Your local Homestar node needs to be identifiable on the Everywhere Computer network. To do this, run:

Terminal window
openssl ecparam -genkey -name secp256k1 -outform DER -out secp256k1_key.der

Boot up the Everywhere Computer

We can now start the node by running:

Terminal window
homestar start -c ./settings.toml --db ./homestar.db

🧟 It’s alive! 🧟