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Homestar nodes are configured with a TOML settings file. Homestar logs its configuration at start up.

Run homestar init --dry-run to view the default Homestar settings.

Minimal configuration

A minimal configuration sets a listen address, metrics port, RPC port, webserver port, and a key pair.

listen_address = "/ip4/"
port = 4020
port = 9820
port = 8020
existing = { key_type = "ed25519", path = "./config/ed25519.pem" }

These settings configure:

  • Listen address. The multiaddress where the node will listen for libp2p network events. Nodes can listen on to serve on all IP addresses or you can assign specific IP addresses.
  • Metrics port. A port for scraping Prometheus metrics.
  • RPC port. An RPC port that accepts requests to run workflows.
  • Webserver port. A websocket port with JSON-RPC API for running workflows, subscribing to network events, and requesting metrics. Used by the Homestar Control Panel.
  • Key pair. An ed25519 or secp256k1 key pair that configures the node with a peer ID.

Homestar will generate a temporary key pair if a keypair_config is not set.


Homestar nodes can connect to known peers or discover peers through mDNS or the rendezvous protocol.

Known peers

Homestar nodes connect to peers configured in node_addresses. We could connect two nodes with the following settings.

listen_address = "/ip4/"
node_addresses = [
listen_address = "/ip4/"
node_addresses = [

NODE-ONE-ADDRESS and NODE-TWO-ADDRESS are the externally reachable addresses of each node. The last segment of the node addresses are peer IDs, which are determined by the node’s key pair.

For example, we could connect two nodes on a local network.

listen_address = "/ip4/"
node_addresses = [
listen_address = "/ip4/"
node_addresses = [

mDNS discovery

Homestar nodes discover each other through mDNS and connect on discovery. This discovery technique only works on a LAN and may not be available on some networks.

Nodes are configured with a listen address to allow Homestar to automatically determine their local IP address and select a port.

listen_address = "/ip4/"

mDNS can be disabled when it is not needed.

enable = false

Rendezvous discovery

Homestar nodes can discover each other through a rendezvous server. Each node that wishes to be discovered registers with the rendezvous server. Nodes can discover registered peers by making a discovery request to the rendezvous point.

A Homestar node can act as a rendezvous server by setting enable_rendezvous_server.

listen_address = "/ip4/"
enable_server = true

A node registers with a rendezvous server by adding its registration address to announce_addresses and the rendezvous server to node_addresses.

listen_address = "/ip4/"
announce_addresses = [
node_addresses = [

The EXTERNAL-ADDRESS is an externally reachable address for the node. RENDEZVOUS-SERVER-ADDRESS is the address of the rendezvous server.

A node makes discovery requests by adding a rendezvous server to its node_addresses.

listen_address = "/ip4/"
node_addresses = [

Rendezvous can be turned off entirely by disabling enable_rendezvous_client.

enable_client = false

Nodes can configure the life of their registrations and how often they make discovery requests:

  • registration_ttl. Sets how long a registration is valid for in seconds. The registrant will renew its registration on expiration. Defaults to two hours.
  • discovery_interval. Sets how often to make discovery requests in seconds. Defaults to ten minutes.